5 Major Cities Which Are Most Likely To Get Nuke Attack In Future

5 Major Cities Which Are Most Likely To Get Nuke Attack In Future

An international nuclear strike is among the most terrifying options when thinking about the worst-case scenario for the US. The specialists are nonetheless dedicated to being ready for anything, even though the likelihood of such an incident is low. According to a new analysis by Business Insider, six American cities are especially at risk in the case of a nuclear attack:

  • Washington, DC
  • New York, New York
  • Houston, Texas
  • Los Angeles, California
  • San Francisco, CA

According to Columbia University disaster preparedness specialist Irwin Redlener, the United States is unprepared for a situation of this magnitude. It is his contention that not a single American jurisdiction has a strategy strong enough to deal with the fallout of a nuclear explosion.

More Risk Of Nukes

Because of their crucial infrastructure and high population density, Redlener has identified these cities as possible major targets for U.S. security. He points out that these communities need to do a better job of communicating important emergency information to their residents, who would otherwise be unprepared for such a nightmare.

But Lawrence Livermore Laboratory physicist Brooke Buddemeier stresses the necessity of bringing people indoors to drastically lower their exposure, stressing the potentially life-saving implications of even basic information.

Given the bleak likelihood of such catastrophes occurring in the future, it is critical for people to actively educate themselves on disaster preparedness. Although Redlener notes that the places named are more vulnerable, he emphasizes that no city is totally protected.

Tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries may result from a nuclear explosion in a city like New York. The exact number of casualties and injuries would depend on factors like the time of day and the location of the explosion. Being well-prepared is, thus, essential for everyone, no matter where they live.


Several heavily populated cities with vital infrastructure are especially at risk due to the international nuclear attack threat that the US faces. Expert Irwin Redlener has pointed out that there aren’t any comprehensive plans on a national level, so even though the likelihood is minimal, being proactive is still important.

Basic preparedness measures have the ability to save lives, according to physicist Brooke Buddemeier. Recognizing that no community is completely safe, the necessity of disaster readiness education on a national level is obvious. Disturbing outcomes, like the one in New York, highlight the need for increased catastrophe planning and the transformation of information into a potent weapon for overcoming adversity.

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